Complete the form below to arrange a screening of THE ABORTION TALKS in your campus, library, faith center, organization, or community.
Screenings come with a set of free customized resources, including the official ABORTION TALKS dialogue guide by Essential Partners. Select screenings will also have an opportunity to welcome an Essential Partners practitioner, the filmmakers, and/or the abortion leaders featured in the documentary for a dialogue program or a panel conversation.
The documentary and supporting materials together provide you with everything you'll need to have healthier, deeper, more connective conversations about abortion in your context. If you feel you need more support to hold a successful post-screening dialogue event, Essential Partners experts are also available for a free phone consultation.
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Last Name
Company or Organization
City or Town
In what context will the screening take place? Community Space Political or Civic Group College or University Organization or Company Secondary School Religious Organizations
What are your hopes for a screening? How many people will attend?
How did you hear about The Abortion Talks? Web Search Social Media Press Coverage Conference EP Client EP Training Alum EP Staff Member EP Associate EP Board Member
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